Cuffs (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Earrings (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Manschetten (7) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ohrringe (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Rings (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Aluminium (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 6 Zoll (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 7 1/2 Zoll (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 7 Zoll (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 8 Zoll (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-6 1/2 Zoll (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-7 1/2 Zoll (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-8 1/2 Zoll (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Bronze (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Jetzt Gold (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Nu Gold (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ohrringe - 3 Zoll (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe 13 1/2 (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 5 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 6 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 6 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 7 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 8 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 9 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 10 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 11 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 11 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 12 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 12 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 13 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 13 1/2 (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-5 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-7 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-8 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-9 1/2 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-10 (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Gold (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (6) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Silber (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.

Kleine tropfenförmige Ohrringe aus gehämmerter Bronze
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Matte fertig gehämmert Nu Gold Messing Manschette
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3/4 Zoll breit gejagt Kupfer Rinden Manschette Armband
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Mittel gehämmert Tränen tropfen Nu Gold Messing Ohrringe
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Kupfer Faltgeformte Blattbaum Ohrringe
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3 mm breites Manschettenarmband aus gehämmertem Kupfer - Manschette aus massivem Kupfer
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Copper Bark Leaf Ohrringe
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Kleine gehämmerte Aluminium-Tränen-Ohrringe
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Ziseliertes Manschettenarmband aus Kupferrinde
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Gehämmerte Kupfer Medium Tear Drop Ohrringe
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Aluminium-Rindenmanschette - Breites silberfarbenes Manschettenarmband
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Hammer Nu Gold Messing Manschette
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4 mm breites Manschettenarmband aus gehämmertem Kupfer
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5mm gebürsteter Comfort Fit Herrenring aus Edelstahl
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Gehämmerte Kupfer-Tropfenohrringe
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1 3/4 Zoll breit gehämmert 14K Gold-gefülltes Manschetten armband
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Manschettenarmband aus gehämmertem Kupfer
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5mm gehämmerter gewölbter Herrenring aus Edelstahl
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