Schmuck Geschenk ideen für den Vatertag
Seien wir ehrlich. Väter können schwer zu kaufen sein, weshalb Sie Papa so oft eine weitere Krawatte oder eine Flasche Köln kaufen, wenn der Vatertag herum rollt. Wenn du dieses Jahr etwas anderes für Dad machen willst, warum gibst du ihm nicht ein Geschenk von der John S. Brana Handgemachte Herren Schmuck kollektion .
Unsere hand gefertigten Schmuck designs geben Papa etwas Besonderes, das er täglich oder für besondere Anlässe tragen kann. Wir haben einige von Unsere beliebtesten Vatertag geschenke Um es einfacher zu machen, die perfekte Sache für Dad zu finden.
Cuffs (14) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Manschetten (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Rings (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Aluminium (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 7 1/2 Zoll (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 7 Zoll (3) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 8 Zoll (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder - 9 Zoll (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-6 1/2 Zoll (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-7 1/2 Zoll (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Armbänder-8 1/2 Zoll (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (13) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe 13 1/2 (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 5 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 6 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 6 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 7 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 8 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 9 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 10 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 11 (7) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 11 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 12 (7) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 12 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 13 (7) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe - 13 1/2 (4) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-5 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-7 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-8 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-9 1/2 (5) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Ringe-10 (8) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Aluminium (1) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Kupfer (2) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.
Silber (9) Selecting this option will trigger a page refresh, and the focus will return to the top of the page.

Herren Geprägtes Mosaik Solid Kupfer Manschette-10mm breit
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Herren Geprägte Schlangen haut solide Kupfer manschette-10mm breit
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Herren-Geprägter See ventilator aus massivem Kupfer manschette-1 Zoll breit
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Herren Alligator Geprägte Massiv Kupfer Manschette-1 Zoll breit
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Herren Rinde Kupfer Manschette Armband-1 Zoll breit
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Ziseliertes Manschettenarmband aus Kupferrinde für Herren - 3/4 Zoll breit
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Manschettenarmband aus gehämmertem Kupfer für Herren - 4 mm breit
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Manschettenarmband aus Leinen aus Kupfer für Herren - 10 mm breit
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Herren gebürstetes Kupfer Manschetten armband-1 Zoll breit
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Herren textur iertes Kupfer Manschetten armband-10mm breit
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Herren gebürstetes Kupfer Manschetten armband-10mm breit
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Herren dünn gejagtes Kupfer Manschetten armband
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Herren breite Rinde Kupfer Manschette Armband-10mm breit
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Ziseliertes Kupfermanschettenarmband für Herren - 10 mm breit
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Manschettenarmband aus gehämmertem Kupfer für Herren - 10 mm breit
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3/4 Zoll breit gejagt Kupfer Rinden Manschette Armband
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5mm gehämmert Komfort Fit Edelstahl Herren ring
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8mm gehämmert Komfort Fit Edelstahl Herren ring
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8mm Gebürsteter Komfort Fit Edelstahl Herren ring
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5mm gebürsteter Comfort Fit Herrenring aus Edelstahl
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3 mm Herrenring aus gebürstetem Comfort Fit Edelstahl
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3mm gehämmert Komfort Fit Edelstahl Herren ring
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Dünnes Manschettenarmband aus gebürstetem Aluminium
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Dünne Rinde Aluminium Manschette Armband
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Dünnes textur isiertes Aluminium Manschetten armband
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Dünnes Ziseliertes Aluminium-Manschettenarmband
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Ziseliertes Aluminium-Manschettenarmband
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19 mm Manschettenarmband aus gebürstetem Aluminium
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8mm gehämmerter gewölbter Herrenring aus Edelstahl
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5mm gehämmerter gewölbter Herrenring aus Edelstahl
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