Men's Embossed Sea Fan Solid Copper Cuff - 1 Inch Wide

Current price: $ 45.00

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This stunning Men's Embossed Sea Fan Solid Copper Cuff features an embossed sea fan design that adds dimension and visual interest to the solid copper surface. Expertly handcrafted by seasoned jewelry designer John S. Brana in his San Francisco studio, this cuff epitomizes his dedication to quality craftsmanship and timeless style.

With its simple yet striking 1 inch wide cuff design, this versatile piece transitions effortlessly from day to night. It makes a sophisticated addition to both casual daily wear and more formal attire. The rich, warm glow of the copper complements an array of skin tones.


Who Would Appreciate This Distinctive Copper Bracelet?

This copper cuff bracelet makes a thoughtful gift for the fashion-forward man who appreciates timeless accessories with an artisanal flair. Its versatile styling bridges age gaps, suiting men from their 20s to 60s and beyond. With its nod to nautical themes, this bracelet holds particular appeal for the seafaring gentleman or beachcomber who wants to infuse his style with natural textures.

As a traditional 7th anniversary gift, this cuff makes a meaningful present for spouses celebrating years of marital bliss. It also conveys deep affection as a Father's Day gift, or a birthday or holiday surprise from a doting partner. For these milestone occasions, the copper carries symbolic significance, representing warmth, longevity, and enduring bonds.

How and When to Wear This Striking Copper Bracelet

The simplicity of the wide cuff design provides versatility to incorporate this bracelet into casual daily outfits or upgrade evening wear. It can be worn alone as a standalone statement piece or layered with a watch, gemstone beads, or additional bracelets.

For daytime, this copper cuff pairs nicely with short-sleeve button downs, polos, tees, and casual jackets. The earthy metal pops against the cool hues of denim and adds visual interest to solid neutrals. For the office, it refines dress shirts and blazers with its glint of shine and texture. The metallic warmth plays up the sophistication.

In the evening, the bracelet elegantly complements formal attire from tuxes to well-cut suits. For black tie events or date nights, wearing the cuff bracelet solo keeps the focus on its striking yet understated beauty.

While this versatile cuff transitions well from day to night, its beauty shines through during any season. The rich glow of its copper surface radiates light and warmth year-round.

Key Benefits of This Handcrafted Copper Cuff Bracelet

  • As copper is the traditional gift for the 7th wedding anniversary, this bracelet makes a meaningful gift to commemorate marital bonds.
  • Its versatile 1-inch wide cuff design pairs effortlessly with both casual and formal wear.
  • The embossed sea fan texture adds an elegant, nautical touch with natural appeal.
  • Jewelry designer John S. Brana handcrafts each piece with care in his San Francisco studio.
  • Available in multiple sizes to choose the perfect fit.

Copper Properties

As one of the few naturally occurring metals, copper has been prized since ancient times for its alluring beauty and malleability. Its radiant glow comes from the vibrant energy conducted through this elemental metal. Associated with the planet Venus, copper harnesses archetypal feminine energy representing beauty, love, caring, and relationships.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

In addition to its coveted aesthetics, copper also boasts anti-inflammatory properties. When worn directly against the skin, copper helps stabilize and balance bodily rhythms and cycles for overall wellbeing. Those struggling with stiff, aching joints and arthritis pain may gain relief from wearing copper jewelry.

Patina Process

Like many natural metals, copper undergoes an oxidation process called patina when it interacts with air and skin. This causes the copper to change color over time, developing a rich patina ranging from brown to greenish hues. The individual reaction varies based on body chemistry and personal care products worn on the skin. While harmless, the patina colors can stain the skin if not promptly washed off with soap and water.

Size Offerings for a Customized Fit

For proper bracelet fit, add 1⁄2 inch to your wrist measurement when selecting a size. Available sizes include:

  • 9 inch circumference with a 1 3⁄4 inch opening
  • 8 1⁄2 inch circumference with 1 1⁄2 inch opening
  • 8 inch circumference with 1 1⁄4 inch opening
  • 7 1⁄2 inch circumference with 1 inch opening

If your wrist measures 8 inches around, order an 8 1⁄2 inch bracelet for the best fit.

Sizing allows customizing for comfort while showcasing the stunning 1-inch wide cuff to its full potential. For any concerns with fit, John Brana’s team provides world-class customer service and support.

This exquisite, hand-wrought men’s copper cuff bracelet from John S. Brana infuses any style with artisan appeal. Its embossed texture and versatile design make an elegant statement during daily wear or special occasions. Let the warm, golden-brown glow of the Embossed Sea Fan Solid Copper Cuff speak volumes by gifting it to someone special or by gracing your own wrist with its metallic shine.